Tuesday 11 September 2012

Week 7: Ideas + Refineing

Research/ Ideas

I created some sketches of ideas to pursue for refining my model.  I came up with a few new ideas to chose from, and I've decided to edit my pyramid shaped tower into a more spherical cluster of triangles with pieces surrounding it

 I also did some research on existing gaming environments that display techniques I could use + find interesting:
I like the focus created by light from this crystal like form
Image: Final Fantasy XIII-2

I enjoy the floating forms surrounding the platforms aswell as the infinate background
Image: Final Fantasy Dissidia

The colour pallette of this image, as it has a harmonious abandoned feel to it
Image: Tera

I like the surrounding barrier and its triangular form, it creates both an interior and an exterior area to explore
Image: Tera

The translucency of this image gives it a nice virtual effect, the crystal forms would relate well to my triangular forms
Image: Final Fantasy Dissidia

SketchUp Refinement

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