Tuesday 18 September 2012

Week 8: Ideas

After discussing in class, I came up with some sketches + ideas of ways to refine my model to make it better and more inhabitable-


We thought of the idea of having my model (one ball) as the main focus, because any more was too busy- this image displays that technique nicely.
Image: Final Fantasy Dirge of Seberus

An idea came up of having the model inside a cave type environment, as that would suit it best- and the darker setting would complement my glowing lights.
Image: Final Fantasy X

This idea of having my model fragmented + scattered around the space also seemed a good way to create new forms + dimensions of my model.
Image: Pokemon Black & White

When thinking about other aspects that help enhance the model + animation, we thought that playing with/ adding multiple sources of light could be quite effective and improve the overall experience given when exploring the space.
Images: Left- Avatar
            Right - KIngdom Hearts


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