Monday 24 September 2012

Week 8: Write Up

I chose to redefine my Asymmetry model, as that was the model I saw with the most potential to become an inhabitable 3D space.  The major change I made was changing the model from a grounded pyramid form, to a spherical one- and this was because it allowed more freedom and opportunity to interact + explore different views, angles, movements, etc.  After playing around with the model, I decided that it having my model in an enclosed area (cave) because having it in an open spacious area seemed too endless, and focus was given to the expansiveness as opposed to the model itself.  To create a more explorable area, I had to create a directional focus- and the cave gave a path in which to follow.  With a linear track to follow, you can then focus more on your environment- and a dark cave then only gives focus on the light objects inside, which in this case was my model.   To give a sense of build up to the inhabitor and a climax to the video, I decided to leave the complete form at the end of the path and repeat simplified versions and pieces of it through it.  Overall, I decided that a very surreal fantasy landscape would suit my model best and to enhance this notion I decided to create a very light driven animation & focus.  I am considering animating the light forms inside my model, as well as glowing fragments which surround- as this will help create a luminous feel, and will again bring focus to my space being explored and heighten the viewers senses.

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